Creative Schools Council

Committee members:
Jules, Grace, Emilia, Tom, Carminho, Killian,
Jack, Medina, Chloe, Aidan
As part of the Creative Schools programme we have set up a Creative Schools Committee comprising of a student representative from every class from 2nd to 6th class.
The first step of the programme involves investigating what the arts and creativity mean to our school community and how they may be further developed. As part of this first step, Mairéad Crowley, our appointed Creative Associate from the Arts Council, came to the school in November and December to do workshops with the Creative Committee. There was some fantastic input from our students about creativity, why it is so important and how it may be developed in Oatlands.

News and Updates
This term has been busy in terms of engagement with the city’s national art galleries. Ms O’Shea’s 5th class had an online workshop exploring modern art from the Irish Museum of Modern Art’s collection, through engaging discussion with an expert guide from the gallery. Ms Mayer’s 5th class also had an online workshop exploring highlights of the National Gallery of Ireland.
Online Workshop
Ms O’Connell’s and Ms Ní Mhurchú’s 3rd classes had an online workshop exploring modern art from the Irish Museum of Modern Art’s collection, through engaging discussion with an expert guide from the gallery. The workshop explored highlights of the IMMA collection such as works by Barry Flanagan, Patrick Hall, Michael Craig-Martin, Alice Maher, Hilary Heron and many more. The session was very much based on discussion and our 3rd class students had some very interesting input and asked fantastic questions in response to the art works shown.